Form response

How to send email confirmation to responder

First of all, you need to make sure that your form has a field where people can write their e-mail addresses. This field should be mandatory because the app can’t send replies if you don’t have their e-mail addresses.

Then follow the below steps to define the rule (assume the email address in column B):

  1. Create a Form Response trigger on the sheet where you store the response
  2. Create a Send Email action
  3. Type the column variable in the To field of the action. For example: {column_B}

You can personalize your email message by pulling data from the response. Please refer to Email notification

How to send edit url to responder

To send the response url to the submitter for further change:

  1. Create a Form Response trigger on the response sheet
  2. Check the Save edit url option (this will insert the edit url to your form response sheet)
  3. Use the column variable to pull out the data of edit url and use it in your email message

Note you need to enable Allow response editing in Form Settings, otherwise the form response is not editable.

How to move the latest response to the top of the sheet

By default, the form response is appended to the bottom of the sheet.

You can use Move Row action to move the latest response to the top of the sheet.


  1. Create a Form Response trigger on the sheet where you store the answers
  2. Create a Move Row action
  3. Select the same sheet in the sheet field of the action
  4. Select “insert before” in Row position option and type 1 in Row number Field

Another approach is using Sort Sheet action to sort the timestamp column.

How to update any data of the form resppnse

This is same as appending data to a normal row:

  1. Create a Form Response trigger on the response sheet
  2. Add an Update Row action to insert the needed data to the column of the current row

Note you can use variable to copy data or write a formula to import data from anywhere of the spreadsheet.

How to notify responder when they have submitted multiple responses

We will need to leverage the power of Google sheets formula. Assuming B is the column where reponder email is saved and H is the column where we insert additional formula.

  1. Create a Form Response trigger on the response sheet
  2. Add an Update Row Action to insert column H with value =countif($B$2:B,B{row_number})
  3. Add a Delay Action to wait 10 seconds
  4. Add a Conditional Action to send email when the value of the aggregation column is more than 1

The formula =countif($B$2:B,B{row_number}) will aggregate the responses from second row to the current row based on email address and produce the total number.

Last modified August 31, 2022