Posts in 2024

  • Two-Way Sync with Sheet Automation

    Monday, March 11, 2024 in Blog

    Google Sheets provides a versatile platform for data tracking and collaboration. However, keeping data synchronized across sheets can be a challenge. Manually updating both sheets is tedious and error-prone. Using ImportRange or Query formulas will …

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  • Copy or move rows to another sheet automatically

    Saturday, January 13, 2024 in Blog

    You may be interested in How to implement two-way sync in Google Sheets. Moving changed rows to another sheet is pretty useful when you want to: move a form response to another sheet delegate a sales inquiry to a specific representive copy a changed …

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Posts in 2023

  • Automate task tracking for Google Sheets

    Thursday, June 29, 2023 in Blog

    Google sheets is a great project task tracking tool with its ability for data recording, calculation, visulization and real time collaboration. However, when it comes to the project execution, Google Sheets lacks some important features that you get …

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Posts in 2021

  • Monitor your website with google sheet

    Tuesday, August 03, 2021 in Blog

    Since sheet automation website went live, I have been worrying if the website is available. Even though the chance of the site going down is pretty low, I need a way to give me peace of mind. Manually checking the website is simply not practical. …

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